Icon: Lupus and Sun Safety

Sun Safety

A picnic with friends, a day at the beach, or a trip to the pool. They may seem impossible when you have lupus. But letting the sun shine doesn’t have to be off your list.

With a few sun-smart choices, I can still enjoy a little time outside with my best friend.

Pick the right time

UV rays reach their peak between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. So, when they’re at their most intense, try to spend less time outside. Plan an early walk or a dinnertime picnic.

Cover up

Wear clothing that covers your arms and legs as much as possible—even when it’s hot out. And don’t forget to protect your face and scalp with a wide-brimmed hat!

Wear sunscreen

Anytime you’re outside in the daylight, even during off-peak hours or cooler times of the year, you should protect yourself. That means sunscreen every day! Here are some sunscreen tips. Talk to your doctor, who may have more suggestions. 

  • Choose one with SPF 30 or higher.
  • Make sure it’s broad spectrum, which means it protects from both UVA and UVB rays. Check the label to find out. 
  • Apply to any part of your body that isn’t covered with clothing, including your ears and the back of your neck.
Icon: Vitamin D

Don’t forget the vitamin D

Spending time in the sun allows your body to make vitamin D. It’s an important nutrient for strong and healthy bones. If your lupus makes UV exposure hard for you, you may want to eat foods with vitamin D and take vitamin supplements. Talk to your doctor to find out what’s best for you.

Learn more about living with lupus.

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Icon: Lupus and Sun Safety

Sun Safety