Icon: Lupus and Exercise


Exercise: It may be a mountain you’re not ready to climb, especially if you’re tired or dealing with pain. But even just a couple of short walks a day—15 minutes each—may be beneficial. Make sure to talk to your doctor before you begin any new exercise routine.

I’m glad to know that my stretching class counts as good exercise!

Keep it low

You may have heard of “low-impact exercise.” Walking, biking, certain types of yoga, Pilates, water aerobics, and stretching have low injury risks and may be helpful for people living with lupus. Low-impact exercises can help you get what’s positive from exercise and may be easier on your joints.

What about swimming?

It’s low-impact exercise, and it may be the perfect choice for you.

Talk exercise with your doctor

Ask your healthcare team for their recommendations. Share with them what you like to do, and they should be able to help you find an exercise that fits you. The more you enjoy your exercise choice, the more likely you are to actually do it!

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Start slowly

Remember that slow and steady wins the race—and can help you avoid injury. Begin with a short period (5 minutes) of low-impact exercise. Then gradually work your way up to 15 to 30 minutes.

Help from head to toe

Exercise is related to less stress. The good feeling you may get from activity can ease stress and help you relax.

Taking care of your body through exercise, eating well, and enough sleep can help ease the frustration you may feel from brain fog. Plus, with exercise, you can:

  • Keep your heart healthy
  • Improve your range of motion
  • Reduce muscle stiffness
  • Prevent bone loss

Learn more about living with lupus.

Icon: Lupus Symptom Tracker

Symptom Tracking

Icon: Lupus and Stress

Stress Relief

Icon: Lupus Nutrition


Icon: Lupus and Exercise


Icon: Lupus and Sleep


Icon: Lupus and Sun Safety

Sun Safety